Concerns about the trailer for my 187OB

Because of a mix up during delivery, the ez loader I received with my 187OB was not rated for the weight of the boat. When I found out, I called the dealer who told to bring it in, they would give me a new trailer.
The New trailer is a Venture VATB-3625 aluminum trailer with tandem axles.
I have 2 concerns with at this time.
Venture bunks are edge type bunks, meaning the contact section is only 2 inches wide. On top of that they have an angled edge that's too steep so the boat sits on a small portion of that 2 inches. Is this wide enough to support the boat properly or should I get horizontal bunks? Will I damage the boat with these in the long run?
The other concern has to do with the fact that the bunks end about 4 inches from the transom. I was under the impression that the bunks needed to support the transom. Again, should I be worried?
These vertical bunks don't seam to do a good job of centering the boat. Last time out I basically had to get in the water and manually line it up. I know I can correct it with guides. But guides on a deck boat will not give you much of a cushion when driving the boat on the trailer.
@Capt_Steve... I'm hoping that somebody at Hurricane can comment on these issues. Would hate to damage the hull on simple adjustments.
My boats sits on this trailer all time. The only time it isn't on the trailer is when we use it. I trailer it to all rivers/lakes. It also sits on the trailer through the cold Canadian winter.

We just picked-up our SS 203OB this weekend and it's on a Venture VATB-3625 too. The dealer (that I do trust) said that it's a fine trailer for our boat (our boat will be on a lift for 6-months of the year and live on the trailer the other 6 months). I'd be interested in others thoughts on the issues that you raised too.
I have a couple of pictures that shows the issues.
The boat sits level with the trailer so I think this part is ok.
The bunks are missing about 4" to support the transom.
the contact width is not much. I'm worried that will put too much pressure on one spot.
Unfortunately I can't get the extra 4" from the front. I can't move the forward post. -
@MichelBee...guess I'm not understanding the dealer's involvement at this point. They handle all trailer-related issues locally...Hurricane will spec trailers for them to choose from, but the dealer orders and sets up. Let me know if they are not helpful for some reason.
I don't have a problem with the dealer. When I brought the issue to their attention they replaced a 2012 trailer with a new better 2014 Venture trailer at their expense. I wanted to get Hurricane's opinion on this setup. The dealer is not the one providing the warranty.
My concerns have to do with the trailer setup.
1. Is it a problem if the bunks are 4” short of the transom? If it is, then what is acceptable?
2. Are the vertical bunks ok or do I need wider bunks for weight distribution?
Sorry for the confusion in the post.
I too have a venture trailer from my dealer when I just purchased my fun deck 226. It is a great trailer as far I can tell. I was having an issue with the stern floating side to side too much while trying to load it, but after I learned how to load properly everything was fixed. Make sure you have about 2/3rds of the bunk in the water.
2013 FD 226
Yamaha 150 Four Stroke
Venture Trailer
2nd RGR BN.
Just got off the phone with Dennis at Venture tech support because your posts made me curious about bunk trailers (Their support was excellent by the way!), I've only ever owned rollers. This is what we discussed.Regarding concern #1They agreed that the closer the bunks are to the edge of the transom (even a bit past the transom is good too), the less stress the overall hull will encounter, especially with outboards. He stated that as long as you are not encountering any drive-ability issues and the trailer tracks well, the bunks can be re-positioned to move them more towards the back, the dealer can contact them on how to do that (Maybe your dealer will do this for you at no charge since you just purchased it). Using a transom saver probably wouldn't be a bad idea either.Regarding concern #2Venture, as well as most trailers, are not made "custom" to a specific boat. Venture uses a 15 degree angle (combining the top angle of the bunk and the bracket) as standard for their bunks. He also stated that keeping with your current bunk angle will not be a problem with your boat (he stated that most marinas that store boats in racks use even thinner contact supports, although they are stationary.... not moving). There isn't an adjustment on the bunks for deadrise angle, but he stated that if the contact area is still a concern for you, both the brackets and top of the bunk have an angle incorporated in them. He suggested that maybe trying to reverse the brackets (not the bunks) might flatten out the top of the bunks more.Another comment he had I thought was very interesting. He stated that most boat owners with trailers use transom tie downs (which should be used) but everyone seems to think the bow eye connection to the winch is also an adequate tie down point for the front, but really isn't (winch gears have play or the strap can loosen). He recommended using a bow tie down as well. The boat would then be completely stabilized in the case for sudden maneuvers or stops.Hope this helps2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
MichelBee, my 196 is on a single axle RoadKing alum similar to your layout. It, too was delivered with the transom hanging off the back. My dealer was able to adjust the winch post and shift the boat forward a bit, but adjusting or replacing your bunks would keep your tongue weight the same. I have guide posts on my trailer that help a lot in loading, but they do bend real easy.
My SD 187OB is on a venture VAB3325 (single axle). I have about 1 inch overhang of the transom. I have about the same spacing between the hull and bunk however my bunk has a poly cover / cap
Thanks everybody,
I have been out of town so I couldn't get to these issues sooner. All I can say is WOW, that is a lot of very useful information you have provided me.
I sent the same pictures to the dealer (he is 4 hours away) and he gave me some pointers on the setup to get the bunks closer to the edge. After describing my issues he told me to lower the front roller. It's too high. They didn't have an issue when they set it up because their ramp is very shallow. That will get the bunks a couple of inches closer to the transom.
He also mentioned that the overhang is not a problem because the weight is distributed well on very long bunks. If I had an I/O, I would agree because the motor is inside the boat. It's the only thing I have ever questioned from them. He could be right, but I would rather spend a couple of dollars to get it perfect.
I was looking at guides but I want to avoid them if possible. Deck boats and guides don't make for an easy water exit. Carrying the width all the way forward only gives you inches of wiggle room. I can only imagine the struggle on a windy/rough day.
@cjjjdeck... Your curiosity has probably saved me a call or two. I also had never heard about or seen anybody use a bow tie-down before. But a couple of days before, I looked at the boat sitting on the trailer and was thinking of using a tie-down to make sure it wouldn't move. I then told myself I was being paranoid.