trailering boat with cover

Can I trailer on the highway with the full snap on cover on? 2013 188 ob
The snap cover is designed to protect your boat while it is moored at a slip or dock (this is called a mooring cover). It is not designed to be used while trailering a boat as the snaps most often un-snap when exposed to the air pressure driving down a highway produces. Covers designed for trailering have tie-down points along the length to attach straps to better secure the cover for this type of activity.
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
i just took my 2013 ss188 on a 1.5 hour back and forth trip with the snap cover on. I did buy 4 tarp clips and attached them to the cover and bungeed them to the trailer to make sure if it did come lose, it would not rip completely off. drove 70 mph the entire time and it rode fine but I am not going to get into a habit of it. will be slipping my boat starting this weekend for the rest of the season.
2013 Hurricane SS188
115 Yam
Magic Tilt Trailer
Hotty Toddy -
The type of vehicle you tow with can have an effect on the air flow over the boat as well. I mostly tow with an Expedition EL and it has less air turbulence on towing my boat than, let's say, an open back pickup truck. I probably could get away with my snap cover on while towing, but it isn't worth the risk to me as mooring covers aren't cheap. They have to be custom fit.
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer