Power Engine Cover

Not talking from experience, but it's my understanding that there is a release pin located on the bottom of the ram that you may be able to access from where that small cover is. I also understand that it probably is a two man operation as the cover is quite heavy.
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Thats a good question that hopefully someone from Hurricane will answer. I think you can access the ram by removing the aft seat back. Then pull the release pin to lift the cover. I've tried to lift the cover manually. It'wouldn't budge. So, just to be safe, I installed a charger to keep both batteries charged.
@delhaven Here is a question that might sound dumb. Doesn't the engine have an alternator that charges the battery when it is running? I'm only a few years into owning boats, so forgive my lack of expertise. My boat has a single battery setup. I've seen posts about people putting in the two battery setup with a switch. I am guessing that this for running things like the radio and other power consuming accessories when anchored/moored? Could you educate me a bit on these questions? I'd also like to know more about the charger you installed. Perhaps a link to one and/or pics? Thanks for you help and contribution!
@cjjjdeck Yes, it is unbelievably heavy. My wife had a heck of a time holding it up when I had to change a battery last year. I wish they would have put an engine cover prop as part of the design.
The engine alternator will charge the bateries when the engine is running, but if the boat isn't started for a long time, the batteries will lose charge and may not have enough juice to lift the engine cover. Or if you leave a power switch on for a long time when you leave the boat moored or on a trailer, that may drain the batteries. Or, if moored, and the bilge pump runs often, that could do it too.
I installed a DUAL PRO Model RS2 charger inside the port aft seat compartment where the battery switch is located. It's a 12 amp battery "tender" ( 6 amps per bank) keeping both batteries fully charged. Bought it from Wholesale Marine for $107.00, including tax and shipping. Check their site, wholesalemarine.com. Wait for a sale when they discount 10% to 20% and include free shipping. Had it installed within an hour. I don't worry now about low battery power.
Hurricane should offer a charger system as an option.
I'm a Duel Pro fan as well. This is the second boat I've installed one of their chargers on.
Although I have my charger (three bank model) to mostly keep my trolling motor batteries charged, it would make sense to me to have at least a charger like delhaven has for boats with the power engine cover. If the battery is dead, a short charge may be all you need to operate the lift.
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Still would like to hear from Hurricane how to raise the engine cover if battery power is lost. I assume it's different for each boat model. Capt'n Steve, where are you?
delhaven said:
Still would like to hear from Hurricane how to raise the engine cover if battery power is lost. I assume it's different for each boat model. Capt'n Steve, where are you?
I double checked with Hurricane and my dealer and my previous post is correct. I would suggest anyone with a power engine cover take a look at your ram base and locate the release pin. Do this while the engine cover operates normally so you know where it is and how it works BEFORE you need to have to use it.
And maybe try it out........ Just a suggestion......
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
I was able to operate my power lift when my batteries went dead by back-feeding the buss through the dash cigarette lighter socket from a small battery.