Bluetooth stereo

I have been curiously waiting (and a bit disappointed by no response so far) for someone to respond on this because I think it's a good question.My experience with bluetooth has been that it pretty much does work the 30 foot distance it claims to have. I got first hand experience with linking my cell phone to my GPS in the car, stopped at the store to grab a quick coffee (forgetting to "un-link") and, of course, getting a phone call from a friend while in the store and wondering why I was having trouble hearing the caller...... duh! All the while my friend was probably saying "Hello?.... Hello? .... Can you hear me now?" talking to an empty interior of my car over the speaker phone! Ain't technology great!2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
Another easy option: Purchase a bluetooth speaker. There are plenty out there now. You charge them up and bring it aboard. Now you can have Your music where you want it!
@gloverrub, if you can post the model of stereo I can look it up to see if it supports a BT module.
It won't be restricted by doors/fiberglass but the range may be reduced but anywhere within 30 feet and you should be fine
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
Thanks nquirk. It's the wired Fusion that came standard on my 2012 2400 SD. The only manual I have is for the wired remotes - MS-WR600G
@gloverrub, the model # should be on the faceplate of the stereo (I believe in the top right hand corner) That would be helpful.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
My stereo is an MS-IP600. Looks like I need the MS-BT100 ???
@gloverrub, you're correct on the adapter, however, if you check their website online note that the MS-BT100 is now included. So, you can either contact Hurricane via your dealer and determine if the adapter should've have been included (they may buy them in bulk and don't get the free BT adapter) or contact Fusion Electronics, explain the situation and see if they'll provide you one.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
Bluetooth ConnectionThis is the best thing since sliced bread. Just plug it into the external music plug of your stereo, turn on your blue tooth on your phone and rock Pandora...Works like a charm and it is cheap...i bought one for my non Bluetooth truck as well.