replacing helm seat captains chair with leaning post on SS211 center console??

I recently purchased a 2013 SS211 center console. Although I love the boat...I cant seem to get enough room between the helm seat and the steering wheel when I stand up. The stock seats are not the ladder back with bolsters (those are about $800 a pieace through Hurricane). I just purchased an aftermarket stock replacement seat with fold up bolster but it still seems like the pedestal is mounted too close even using the flip up bolster. My next step is to pull both helm chairs and replace with a leaning post with back rest. My question is if I do that, am I going to have issues with mounting it to the deck?? Does the current helm seat have through bolts or are they screwed down?? I do not want to screw up my brand new boat by pulling the stock seats and leave ugly holes in the deck but just would be much more comfortable if I had some additional standing room behind the wheel. Any info or thoughts would be appreicated.