Is there a single source for aftermarket parts?

My Fundeck is 2008 and needs various things: Gauges, switches, latches, bimini tops, seats, etc. It is very frustrating to find original replacement parts. I have been to Overtons and numerous other sites. Please advise.
Try iboats parts. They were the only ones that carried my fresh water spray handle for my 2004 Sundeck 187.
I have tried to respond to your post a couple of times and because I have website links it keeps deleting my post. Forgive me if the websites don't link. Capt Jeff is checking it out.
If your dealer can no longer get parts from the factory for your boat, many parts are available from marine supply stores listed under the manufacturer that makes them and Hurricane used on their boats. Here's some examples:
Most seating is supplied by Veada:
Gauges are by Faria Instruments:
Switches are by Carling Technologies:
Some hardware and table base systems are by ITC Marine:
I just replaced the spray head on my head sink. It is made by Scandvik, I got the replacement through Defender.
I just replaced all my chrome plated round engine vents with stainless steel clad models I found are made by ITC Marine (I keep finding that the all plastic vent ribs keep cracking and breaking.... somehow...). I found them on Amazon.
If you are having trouble finding something, use the forum.
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Please excuse this response. This is a repeat of my previous post. This is a test for the system to fix the web links issue.
Most seating is supplied by Veada:
Gauges are by Faria Instruments:
Switches are by Carling Technologies:
Some hardware and table base systems are by ITC Marine:
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Let me say something. Not being able to get replacement parts directly from Hurricane is horrendous. Who thinks this is a good business model?
I looked at Veada and the seat sizes and bases on their site do not seem compatible with the seating on my 196 Fun Deck. I spoke with someone in customer service at Hurricane who said seats were made by Lippert. Their site was no help at all. The greatest problem with replacing seats on my deck boat is the recess on the rear bottom of the base to accommodate the lip around the edge of the deck. Pontoon furniture does not have such a recess, and cutting the base compromises the seat base structural integrity, voids any warranty, and does away with dry storage. I can find no source where seat bases, or complete seats can be purchased. From most photos the seating has changed very little over the years of manufacture. It also appears that the deck of the 196 is pretty much the same. Is there a source for replacement furniture that will fit my 196 Fun Deck?
Labird, could you check with a local dealer to see if a new 196 seats will fit your base? If so you can order the new from the dealer. If not, try checking with a custom car restoration guy. I have all new leather put on my older Corvette by a custom car fabric shop and he was working on boat seats when I walked into the shop even though he only advertises custom car seat work.
I want to add one more.
Thanks to you both for responses. My nearest dealer is about 90 miles away, I may yet make the journey. I got tentative quotes from two people who do both autos and boats. The quote were from $3000 to $4000. At least one of the curved forward sear will need the back support rebuilt +$. I was hoping to not have to trailer the boat and have it tied up for several days or more to have the work done. I could remove the seats and deliver them to the shop. perhaps a couple at a time and not lose use of the boat. The Great Lakes Skipper site show promise for other items.
FYI currently Lippert is the supplier for Godfrey/Hurricane. They don't sell to the general public. They took over last year and were very helpful trying to get me connected to the appropriate people at Godfrey. I was hoping to get information on current seating specifications for the FunDeck 196. After being in contact with a couple of people at Godfrey the last one simply didn't respond to my inquiry for specifications and sent me links to dealer location sites on the Hurricane web site, pitiful. Is there anyone in this group that might know if the deck surface and railings have changed at any time since the 196 has been in production? If the deck has not been changed the new seats/bases should fit an older boat, no?