1998 Fundeck 248 OB Gas Tank

I have a 1998 Fundeck 248 OB that I just inherited from my Dad. Sat for a while and my mechanic thinks that there is a problem with the gas tank / filters in the gas tank or something similar. Switched out the water/fuel filer and replaced the hoses near that, but getting a surge and then lower RPMs when above 2000. What's the best way to acccess the gas tank? Thanks.
Any luck?
1991 Fundeck FD196 Fish and Fun1990 Yamaha 130 2 stroke -
Both my mechanic and me came up with this about the same time.
RPM reduction is a mode within the engine warning system. RPM reduction is when the engine forces a reduction of rpm during operation. This can be caused by a couple of reasons: an overheating of the engine or the oil system has a loss of oil pressure (four-stroke models) or low oil level (two-stroke models). RPM reduction is used as a safety measure to try and protect the engine but also to continue to provide mobility in case it is needed. Your RPM will be gradually reduced down to approximately 2000 rpms. The engine should run fine below 2000 rpms but will run very rough if you try to accelerate beyond 2000 rpms. Smaller horsepower engines, like an F2.5 or F4, may not come with a warning system, or have limited warning system protection. Ask your Yamaha dealership or Yamaha Outboard Customer Relations, at (866) 894-1626, for more details as needed.
Called up the big dealer around here and he said on a 1998 it is probably not getting enough oil. My mechanic said that since the oil is more than a year old it might have gotten some water in it or gotten thin. Replacing the oil tonight and will see how she runs. I'll keep you posted.
Isn't there an audible alarm (buzzer?) that is supposed to accompany the RPM reduction when it is activated?
1991 Fundeck FD196 Fish and Fun1990 Yamaha 130 2 stroke