Different guages if boat is ordered with the Digital Engine Controls of the new Yamaha 250 XCA?

Does anyone know what is different with the instrument gauges when you order a new Sundeck 2200 DC with the new Yamaha 250 XCA? Is it possible to add a Fuel Monitor/ Manager gauge?
I don't know the Yamaha specifically but most/all engine manufacturers sell a separate monitor for alarms/alerts that read direct off the engine including allowing you to calibrate the size of your fuel tank and monitor GPH consumption for monitoring fuel. I have it on my Mercury ( cost me about $700 installed with a thru hull depth sensor) So not cheap but a great investment when you want to monitor fuel, etc instead of the standard gauge and also to know what the alarm(s) report if one should alert.
This is Yamaha's I believe http://www.yamahaoutboards.com/rigging/gauges
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer