Circuit Breaker Problem 2003 237

I have the same exact problem, same breakers...... Curious what it is going to be.
Just double checked, Henry, both those circuit breakers are 5 amp.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
While I was going through the papers the previous owner gave me, I came across the original wiring diagrams (2003 Hurricane 237 and 217 outboards) and dash diagrams. The amps for all the breakers are marked. I have attached the entire packet. I hope this helps some other owners.
Thanks for posting that.
David2003 Sundeck 217 OB, Yamaha 150 2 Stroke
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own." - Number 6 -
Henry, you are absolutely awesome!
These diagrams are from Uniforce who has been out of business for some time. The drawings you just posted are the ones I have been receiving from Hurricane, but the scanned images are too blurry to read and have not been helpful, nor does Hurricane have the originals to re-scan.
Thank you!!!! These will be VERY appreciated as they are crystal clear!2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
To continue the electrical saga. When I took off the top dash panel it broke in half. I ordered new top and middle dash panels from A & D Plastics in Cape Coral, FL, I live in Fort Myers and they were done custom for me. I put a Piranhamax 170 in the center dash, JVC remote to the left of the Tach. All the gauges were shattered or corroded at the back of the panel. I replaced all the breakers and all the gauges. I replaced the Sony radio with a modern JVC, when I put it all back together, I had to wire the radio to ACC switch (which I replaced bad switch). The new radio has no true off button so it was wired to switched power. I found that the power to the breakers to be 12.7 volts and the power at the switches to be moving from 7.5 to 10.8 volts. When I switched the VOM ground lead to another ground it read 12.7 (bad ground to switch panel). I removed the cup holder panel to the right of the helm and found the wiring connectors to the dash. I opened the connectors and sprayed them with contact cleaner and worked them together and off until I got consistent current readings. I wired the radio to a known good ground. Now it all works. Note for everyone using a VOM for continuity testing on the grounds, even if you get a tone the ground can be bad, once you put the circuit under load it will fail, and drive you crazy in the process. If the ground has a corroded bad connection somewhere in the run sometimes it is better to run a new ground from the battery to a connection bus and rewire the grounds. Been working on aged electrical wiring on boats for a lot of years. It is a shame that the wiring is put together with push connectors and jumpers. Hurricanes have quality wiring but especially in a salt water environment you get these high resistance and ground problems. A little wordy but I hope this helps someone else.
Awesome update Henry!
Could you post some pictures of the new dash panel installed? Love to see how it came out!2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Just a quick tip regarding poor connections at various junctions or push connectors, instead of regular contact cleaner, after actually cleaning the connectors, buy a small bottle of "Stabilant 22". Use it on all connectors and pins. Its expensive stuff, but really works to increase the conductivity of a connector and lasts a long time. I learned about that stuff at a Bell Helicopter mechanic seminar some years ago. They said it fixed many of their electrical problems and they now consider it a standard operating procedure to use on all connectors.
I would also like to see the pictures of the panel that was made at A&D in Cape Coral. I am in the process of purchasing all new item for a 2006 202 Fun Deck and plan to call to tomorrow. This has been a much harder project than I anticipated. The forum has been a great help. Thank you!