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Seat Cushion GS211

Member Posts: 1 ✭
I'm looking to replace left rear cushion on 2004 GS211. Yes, you guessed it, it blew out while towing......uggh! Included are photos if anyone out there knows of one to be had or at least where I may be able to find one. Photo is of existing left rear cushion for reference purposes and right rear seat where cushion was lost.
Hi. I just lost a seat back from my 2002 gs 201. I gave up trying to find a replacement. My options were go to a custom car/marine upholsterer with pictures and dimensions and pay $400-500 or do do it myself.
I sent away for free samples of the vinyl from (they made the cushions for Hurrincane until recently; very nice on phone). Got high density 4 inch foam and some Dacron from local shop. Not sure if you'd need 3 or 4 inch. Staple gun and stainless steel staples. You could us existing cushion as template to make the base from 1/4 inch external (not treated) plywood. Use a couple coats of an epoxy paint for moisture protection. Then assemble. I didn't use a plastic layer as I read mixed views on including that. Corners are the only tricky part. Again, copy the method from the other seat.
You won't have the piping but you'll spend about $100 instead of several hundred.
Alternative to to veada is to check out local upholsterer for white marine vinyl. Given yours has aged you might actually get a better match that way.
So my seat back is all white but at least I managed to taper it a bit like the original.
Good luck
mcan3 -
Hurricane doesn't have seat patterns for boats 2008 and older.
However, that being said, the SS211 is still in production. Although Hurricane will not guarantee fit, you may want to ask your dealer if they have a SS211 in stock for you to look at and take the dimensions of the corner cushion and compare it to your boat (or maybe other dealers in your area). From the pictures I've seen, the layout looks unchanged, the new cushions might fit.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer