Minor odd problem on new boat

I spent a few hours today on my new boat (2200 DC OB) just checking out all the systems more thoroughly at my dock than I could while at the dealer or during the on water test, and ran into an odd problem with my fresh water system. It works fine in most cases, and I ordered the boat with a Electric Flush toilet as well. There are 2 sinks on the boat, plus the Transom wash down. All are fed from the same pump. All work, but when using the Transom wash down, it pops the circuit breaker after a few seconds of operation. The other sinks can run continuously with no evident problem. The transom wash down does throw plenty of water, so its not blocked, but about 5 to 10 seconds of running and the breaker pops. Any thoughts? I'm sure the dealer will fix it under warrantee, but wondered if there is anything I can look at.
That's definitely an oddball problem. I have a similar freshwater setup and it will run until the tank is empty if I let it (I do that several times pumping the 'pink" anti-freeze out each season). Maybe a finicky circuit breaker (if there even is such a thing)? There are some electronics on the pump (pressure cut-off), I guess it could be a faulty pump.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
Thanks. It is strange and I can't imagine that Hurricane might have used separate pumps for the Transom wash down from the rest of the water system, then put them on the same breaker. I was pumping out the pink anti-freeze the factory put in the tank when the problem showed up, and then I tested it over and over again with the same results. No problem running any other water outlet for any length of time, but 5 to 10 seconds using the transom wash down nozzle, and the breaker pops, shutting down the entire water system. I'll send an email to the dealer letting them know and se if they can get info on the fix before I bring it to them for the first service.
Do you happen to know if there is a separate pump being used for the Transom Wash Down, and if so, where it is located? I have not heard back from my dealer yet. Thanks.
My fresh water pump is located under the galley sink area. It has a round deckplate on the floor of the compartment to access the pump. I'll confirm your pump question.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
It's confirmed, both water systems are on one pump. Hurricane claims access to the pump is through the motorwell.
Here is the pump I have, a Jabsco Par-Max2.9, yours might be similar.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Thank You. I plan to take a good look at it this afternoon. It probably is the same pump. What I find strange, is that there is good flow until the breaker pops in a few seconds when running the transom wash down, and there is also good flow from the other 2 faucets, and the breaker does not pop running only those. If there was some blockage in the transom wash down line, the flow should be reduced, and if it created a back pressure on the pump, it should just shut off the same as it does when all faucets are turned off as a result of the automatic pressure switch that is built into the head. I'm now thinking that it might just be a weak breaker causing the problem. Appreciate you looking that up for me.
The situation you describe certainly does sound strange! To having it work OK with the sink faucets and popping off with the washdown after a few seconds has me scratching my head as well. Please let us know what you end up finding.
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
I think I have it figured out. Took a good look at everything this afternoon. I think the factory installed the wrong breaker by accident. Its a 5 amp breaker. The electrical drawing you send previously shows a 10 amp break for that circuit using 14 gauge wire, which is appropriate. The Pump per Jasco's technical specification also calls for a 10 amp breaker on 14 gauge wire. The breaker is definitely only a 5 amp. What I think is happening, is that with the lower output faucets, the pump pulls lower amperage. When the pressure switch shuts it off, it pulls no amps. But when running the higher output Transom spigot, after about 20 or 30 seconds at the higher output, it overheats that 5 amp breaker and shuts down. Once the breaker is hot of course, it shuts down in 5 seconds after a reset. I'll let the dealer replace the breaker though at the first service since its under warranty. They can double check with the factory as well to verify this is correct. I can think of any small pump that would operate long on a 5 amp breaker, simply because starting inrush load will be around 50% higher than the normal running load anyway. Even the tiny bilge pump runs on a 8 amp breaker.
that's makes sense, I was scratching my head on that one, glad you figured it out.
5 amp breakers are used for the bilge pump (if it's a Johnson Ultima per their installation instructions) and the livewell pump. Maybe it might not be a bad idea to check the amperage of those breakers just in case they were installed in the wrong locations relative to the fresh water pump.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
That might well be what happened. I'll check the rest of the breakers as well to be certain. I'm pretty sure it was an 8 amp I found for either the Bilge Pump or the Live Well pump.
I picked up my Boat today after having the dealer do the initial 20 Hour service, plus those warrantee items. They did change out the 5 Amp breaker for a 10 Amp as should have been installed. I also had a problem getting the fresh water system to prime after draining it and putting in 3 gallons of anti-freeze. I mentioned that to the dealer as well and asked them to check it. They told me that they found a loose clamp that allowed a hose to leak at the Fresh water pump. So it was sucking some air. When the tank was full, there was enough head pressure for it to prime anyway. But with only 3 gallons in the tank, the air being sucked in was stopping it from priming. Simple fix once they discovered what the problem was.
Good dealer in Madisonville, TN.
Relatively simple fix for a frustrating problem.
Thanks for the update M99!2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer