BatteryMinder hook up.

I want to add a BatteryMinder (considering a model 1510) to my SD 2400 OB with dual batteries and an disconnect switch, (off, bat 1, bat2, both). There are several ways this could be hooked up, I’m looking for the best and safest way.
I could hook the BatteryMinder to both batteries. This would keep both charged with the disconnect switch in the off position. But when the disconnect switch is in the bat 1 or bat 2 position both batteries would still be electrically connected by the BatteryMinder.
I could hook the BatteryMinder to one battery and leave the disconnect switch in the both position. This would keep both batteries charged but would subject the batteries to parasitic load. The BatteryMinder would be more than able to handle the load and still keep the batteries charged. Is there any down side to keeping the disconnect switch in the both position for months at a time? Am I correct is thinking that with the disconnect switch on my bilge pump would automatically come on when needed, thus saving me the trouble of removing the drain plug, (my boat is on a lift).
I’m sure there must be other options.
I’m looking forward to hearing you suggestions and ideas.
Best Answer
Best option is to get a dual bank tender and leave the switch in the off position, you can also hook up a single bank tender to the positive common connection on the battery switch and the negative to the starting battery with the switch on both, this acts like the engine is charging them, it will work but for long term storage a dual bank with the switch off is best in my opinion.
As for your bilge pump coming on the float switch should be wired to come on with the battery switch on or off, I know my 2015 203 pump comes on with the switch off.