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What year, model is this Hurricane deck boat ?

Member Posts: 2 ✭

I was offered this Hurricane boat on trade a week ago and then again yesterday.
I thought it was a mash up at first and said no, then I googled it and found out this was how it was made.
Is there any info that you can give me? Year, model, value range? I don't want to make an uneducated purchase...
It appears to be a pre - 90's Fun Deck Hybrid but I'm really hoping for better Intel before jumping on it!
Does OH offer a registration lookup ? TX Parks and Wildlife has a portal online where one can look up the"TX" number and get the boat year, model, etc. and owner's detail. Good to check boat year and other info. Also, good to check to be sure the guy offering it to you is actually the clear owner.
I believe Ohio requires boats to be Titled (though not positive). If there's no Title to the boat to get info (year of manufacture) from, I'd find-out why ( if Title is in fact required in OH). Should be HIN numbers on transom as well as rear of deck (Port side I believe) which could be checked. Hull looks similar to my 1992 FD, though my fencing is shortened on front deck. I would be sure on paperwork/title/registration before making any deals. I'd also look for waterlogged foam (leading to rotten structure) since it seems to be kept outside, uncovered. Hopefully the drain plug has been removed, and I'd have elevated the trailer tongue more. Older boat, setting outside, look things over good, unless you want a major project.
The boat should have a 12 digit hull number on the rear of the boat to the right of the motor. The first eight digits/letters signify the manufacturer (GDY = Godfrey) and the manufacture's own system for identifying the boat. Essentially a serial number. The last four letter/digits will tell you when it was manufactured and what year model it is. The first position is alphabetic for the month it was made. Capital I represents September, J represents October, and so on. The next position is the last digit of the year it was manufactured. The last two positions are the model year. For example I798 represents a 1998 model boat manufactured in September 1997. I believe new model years are always introduced the previous year around August or September.
The last post above regarding the HIN is your best bet. That said, I'd guess it's an early-mid 1990's model.
I'm buying a Hurricane 20"-1" boat with Hull # GDYS6365B999. I know it is a 1999 boat with an outboard motor buy I'm not sure what style it is... Is it a SunDeck? Also, I need to buy a trailer to carry it but I'm trying to find the necessary specifications/size/axle/weight requirements etc. Thank you for any info you provide!
Here is a copy of the Hurricane 1999 brochure that should help
Thanks after reading a while I was able to find the year of my boat! I live in Lake Havasu city! The boat was abandoned by someone from California for whatever reason! I was able to buy it from the towing company at a price that you won't believe! Anyway needing to go thru everything maybe find out why it was abandoned or not I pray it runs great everything works right so I will enjoy my good find
we had that same boat here in Florida about 30 years ago so a 1990 plus years, nice boat