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Bilge pump problems - 2017 188 ss

Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
Bilge pump only works from the switch on the dash, not automatically. I checked the fuse for the bilge by the battery, it's NOT burned out. It's a bear to reach the bilge pump and the float. Any ideas? Maybe the float is stuck? If so, how do you reach jt??
I have the same model but a 2019. Mine does the same thing... Filled it up with water to test the bilge and it never came on.
I tested the bilge on my 2019 SD 187 and it took 3-4 inches of water in the bilge to activate the electric bilge. It is not a float design. You can see the pump by accessing the rear panel by the engine or the one under the empty space at the rear bench where the cooler or portable toilet fits. It is a red bilge pump that is easy to replace when you buy a new one and disconnect the connection as it is plug and play essentially.
what brand pump is it ??
The pump should have an auto float switch that the dealer would have hot wired to the battery to auto engage.
Hurricanes have an electronic technology switch, not a float type. Not sure when they changed over from the float type technology to the electronic. I've seen mostly Johnson/SPX ULTIMA COMBO mounted. My 2012 boat has this. If the pump does not come on automatically it's either a defective switch or wiring/fuse problem. Here's a picture of my setup for reference:
2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Sorry I know this is an older thread but I just realized my auto bilge isn’t working. Came back after a huge storm and had about 18” of water in the bilge. The motor runs weird now and can’t get my 2014 188 past 25mph and 4000 rpm. Planing is hard too. So this small piece of equipment Failure may have caused serious engine damage. Did anyone here have luck finding the fuse to this auto bilge switch? Or found another solution to the problem?Furthermore, anyone have an idea why my motor is running so slow?
The bilge pump is connected directly to your battery. There are usually 3 red wires with an in-line fuse holder or circuit breaker located about 6" - 12" coming off the battery. One of those wires goes to the pump. There a good chance the fuse/circuit breaker going to the bilge pump is blown or defective. See if you can see which red wire converts into a brown one as that is the color used for bilge pumps. You may also have a brown wire coming directly off the battery, if so, it will be the bilge pump.
Based on the depth of the water accumulation, you may have other wiring that needs attention.
Not sure about the engine performance, it almost sounds like you are in "limp" mode which protects the engine by limiting rpm's when a sensor indicates an engine problem.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
Ok. Thank you much! I will look for the fuse. Sounds like an easy fix. What stinks is a 50 cent fuse may have caused a much more expensive diagnostic and repair. I did not know there was a limp mode.To me it seems like a spark plug is the cause, but I can’t see how the water would reach that high up. I guess my best bet is to take it to the dealer for diagnostics.
I always carry spares in multiples of all my fuses on board along with an electrical meter with a continuity tester. Even an automotive 12 volt light tester can come in handy in trouble shooting. So many electrical issues on boats stem from poor electrical connections often due to corrosion, it just comes with owning a boat.
Engine dealers have the proper diagnostic tools to correct engine problems. It's why I rarely open the newer cars hoods! Too much technology that requires special diagnosis equipment and specialized tools to fix them.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
So the sealed fuse holder for the auto bilge took on water and the fuse was completely corroded. To the point where I can’t tell how many amp fuse it is. I bought a new holder. So that’s an easy fix. But do you know what amp fuse I need? I believe someone said 5a but want to make sure. Thanks.
Here's what the 3 main wires coming off the battery are:
Main = 40 ampBilge = 5 ampStereo =10 amp2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer -
First timer new to me 2014 188 sport was ready to launch when I wanted to verify the bilge was operating properly as the boat will be in the water for a long time. I ran a hose to the bilge and nothing happened. The pump worked when I turned on the battery disconnect and flipped the switch but no auto bilge with the disconnect off. I panicked and went right to the internet for answers, this is the first post to come up and it turned out to be the exact problem, the fused was corroded and blown and the wiring went to the disconnect switch instead of directly to the battery. Everything works as it should now after following these directions.
Thanks guys !