Owner's Manuals and Wiring Diagrams

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I searched the website and forum and I am unable to find any manuals that are specific to my 2022 Fundeck 198 OB. It took me about 45 minutes to figure out how to install the boat cover because the dealer didn't give me instructions, nothing came with the boat and the cover manufacturer has nothing on their website.
The Hurricane manual is so generic that it doesn't answer any of the questions that I have. For example, the boat has a receptacle at the bow for a trolling motor, but there is no wiring diagram or specifications on the voltage or current that is available and no information on how to wire the 3 pin connector. I can research this and sort it out myself, but Hurricane should provide this kind of basic information with the board.
There are lots and lots of questions on the forum, but very few answers and no answers about were to find manuals or wiring diagrams.
I plan to look at the motor and trailer manufacturer's websites for information on the other components and hopefully they have better documentation than Hurricane.
I feel your pain and totally agree with you. In todays day and age owners Manuel’s and documentation should be available on the manufacturers website. Let me know if you find them as I gave up looking a year ago. Good Luck.
I am sure you can contact the factory for this information - www.hurricaneboats.com fill out the information in the contact us section.