Bimini top structure fastening clips - What are they called , where can I get them.

2007 196 GS, the aluminum structure that supports the Bimini top. There are a series of little push clips that allow you to dis connect the support strut from the base for when you stop travelling and its time to put up the Bimini top. Its inserted inside the square tubing you depress one of the little buttons it allows you to disconnect its spring loaded. What are these called I have 2 broken ones and cannot locate replacements anywhere, and I think that part of my problem is I don't know what they are call but have been searching hurricane fundeck bimini top structure fastening clips.
thanks for the help
Is this what you are looking for:
I have seen them called clevis pins, spring loaded clevis pins, quick pins, etc.
2000 Hurricane SD 217 OB -
I think scibby is talking about the push-button latches as used on vacuum cleaner hoses. They look like a plastic insert with a flat metal spring and two buttons. Pushing one button makes the other retract. Mine have become misaligned and would not fully latch but I was able to fix them. If the hole got wallowed just a little bit the button might not hold. If no replacements available, just remove the guts and drill all the way through. They make marine clevis pins that would then work like on other boats similar to bshippjr's picture.
Maybe a picture of a working one might help as I'm only experienced with round tube Bimini tops. If it is as Flying V5 describes, it is called a "spring button" and/or "snap button" and they are readily available, even on Amazon, and very inexpensive.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
I could not figure out how to edit my request, but I took 2 pictures, one of the spring clip installed and one of the broken ones.
That's definitely a "spring/snap button", and a unique design, of course.If there isn't any manufacturer label on your top (which at this point I assume there isn't), here's a list of square tube bimini top (which is popular on pontoon boats) manufacturers you can contact to see if they use that type of hardware, There websites and catalogs don't specifically show that hardware item so I would call them and keep those pics that you sent handy to send them:Taylor Made Products 800-628-5188Carver Industries, Inc. 864-457-5820 800-877-1544As a last ditch effort, here is a spring/snap button manufacturer that, if you're lucky, might have something like what you're looking for, or can refer you to who else might help you: 440-237-0160Unless someone has a better suggestion, at least it gives you some places to start.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
excellent ! thanks to all and thanks to CJJJDECK !
They are made by Attwood Bimini Tops. Try "Attwood Bimini Clevis Pins" on EBAY.
Sailrite has them for $2.50. Labeled "Quick Release Clevis Pin With Spring & Key Ring" on
I bought several to keep on my SS188. The rotating key seems to be the weak point. I had to replace two last Summer.
Canandaigua Lake