Faucet pressure issues

I know there are a ton of Hurricane owners out there that have galley/head sinks and stern washdown systems and my boat has them too. I've never read any thread that has encountered the problem I did with this fresh water system.
The spray faucets in the galley/head sinks had too high of pressure and would ricochet the spray from the sink to go all over whoever operated the faucet. Even more appreciated when some residual “pink stuff” from winter storage goes all over your Tommy Bahama shirt ….. nice (well, ok, actually it was an LL Bean yellow T)! The stern washdown had the opposite problem, weak water pressure. It was fine for washing down people (a nice gentile spray), but did little to washdown much of anything else (like the swim platform or deck). The dealer had never addressed this kind of problem before and didn't have an immediate solution because the pump was functioning normally (malfunctioning pumps were more common a problem).
After some trial and error, I finally tamed down the two sink faucets by using a combination of in line ball valves and some homemade washers inserted into the spray head base to further restrict the flow to the head. For the washdown area, I found a short (maybe stubby is a better term) jet spray head with an integrated shut off valve that just fits into the recessed washdown housing. That helped greatly in making it more useful for what we primarily use it for.
Has anyone else been frustrated with this?
I have the same problem with the sink faucet, sprays way too hard, and the rear wash down has next to know pressure, just trickles out of there, I just took it apart tonight and found out why, I removed this little plastic piece with the pin hole in it and now the pressure is great, I haven't given it much thought on slowing down the sink one as we usually just use it to spray other boats anyway, lol.
I have only the sink faucet. I replaced the (dead) pump and then realized that the puny output would not be sufficient for a wash-down hose I'd like to add. If you only have one pump, it seems like cjjjdeck's solution of restricting flow to the galley/head makes sense. In my case, I thought I'd just add another pump. But then I'll need some one-way-check or Y valves to keep the independent pumps from trying to draw from the path to each other instead of just from the tank. Or am I not thinking this correctly? I don't want to add another tank, mine holds 18 gallons, which seems reasonable for my needs.
David2003 Sundeck 217 OB, Yamaha 150 2 Stroke
"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own." - Number 6 -
Finally! Someone else encountering this problem, I thought I was the only one! Glad you dusted off this old post!I made a rubber washer that looks exactly like the plastic piece you removed from the washdown spray head and that's worked great regulating the flow to a proper level for the sink. Maybe the plastic piece will fit the galley/head spray head?I also replaced the spray head of the washdown with a jet spray head with a shut off built in. It was short enough to fit in to the built-in housing. We don't use the washdown so much for people as we do for washing down the swim platform and deck. I first tried an all plastic spray head and that worked great until it cracked by the screw threads. I found an all metal design by Melnor that is rubberized on the outside that is a much better design.2012 SD237 I/O Mercruiser 5.0L MPI ECT/ Bravo 32012 Load Rite Elite Tandem axle trailer
This post was very helpful in that it showed the freshwater pump in question only supplies the head and galley sinks and the swim platform wash-down hose. Does anyone have an idea where the other freshwater pump for the head is located?