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hurricane recall notice



  • sullmate
    sullmate Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
    My hurricane dealer said they are still waiting for the repair kits and training on the repair. Nothing will be done until spring. At least my dealer responded to my e mail.  Not much of an update and nothing from Hurricane.
  • jim_c
    jim_c Member Posts: 1
    I got the recall foam installed last week. The guy hole-sawed two 6" holes, one on each side, rear area. Mixed two part foam and filled the areas. 4 hour job done at my dock. I had to call a few times but they finally came out and did the job.
  • thurricane
    thurricane Administrator Posts: 622 admin

    The service bulletin repairs are coordinated through the Dealer.  They will request a kit be issued by serial number.  The kits are in stock.  Have the Dealer reach out to the factory for additional assistance.

  • cobrafan
    cobrafan Member Posts: 9
    OK, I am still unclear of who is effected by the recall.  Is the 2016 and later good to go, or is it 2017 and beyond.  I have not received a recall notice on our 2016 187 SD nor have I received a phone call.  We are the original owner.  Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.
  • cobrafan
    cobrafan Member Posts: 9
    Just went to the Hurricane website and 2016 is included in the recall.  Gave me the number of an authorized dealer 70 miles away to schedule an appointment.
  • hunterflwr
    hunterflwr Member Posts: 1
    Is this recall for the OB only? I have an I/O.
  • AngryLisa
    AngryLisa Member Posts: 1
    Would anybody be willing to email me the letter most of you received regarding the recall. I never received one, I only got a call from my dealer telling me about it and letting me know that Godfrey would be in touch to schedule the repair. That never happened so now I'm waiting for my dealer to come pick it up and fix it at their location. I at least would like to know the exact date on the letter that some of you received. I purchased my boat on July 27, 2018, brand new. It was a leftover 2017 that was built two months before the Nov. 3rd date which is when they corrected the foam issue. I am trying to figure why I wasn't informed of the recall when we were purchasing the boat. It was clearly released on June 18th, yet on July 27th....NOTHING. I would appreciate a copy of the letter or the date on it. My email is  Thank you. 
  • Hurricone
    Hurricone Member Posts: 6
    hunterflwr, I’m wondering the same thing. Is this recall for both OBs and I/Os or just for OBs?
  • sullmate
    sullmate Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
    Well,  we are now in April, still no date from my dealer on fixing the flotation recall.  I am ready to just forget the whole thing untill they call me which maybe NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • thurricane
    thurricane Administrator Posts: 622 admin

    The serial number can be checked on the website - under the service bulletin tab to see if a boat is affected. 

    IO boats are not involved in this current bulletin. 

    If you are having trouble coordinating this with your Dealer

    You can reach out to Ray - who is handling this bulletin coordination 423 519 0840

  • sullmate
    sullmate Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
    Update, my dealer has scheduled the repair on my 2107 hurricane, this week. Yeahhhhh !!!!
  • lapmah
    lapmah Member Posts: 1
    Hi all!  I have been researching this recall over the past few days and have found quite a few bits of information that I thought I'd share with you.

    First and foremost...From what I've gathered, this is NOT A HURRICANE BOAT DEFECT recall. This is "non-compliance" notification.  

    The Coast Guard was required to update the industry standards for outboard motor weights to reflect the existing industry standard.   The current industry standard for outboard engine weight is now contained in 33 CFR 183.75, referred to as Table 183.75.  It is based on the July, 2012 Version of the S-30 "Outboard Engines and Related Equipment Weights" published by the American Boat and Yacht Council.  

    The Coast Guard's previous industry standard was last updated in 1984;  known as Table 4, contained in 33 CFR 183 Subpart H.  I believe this is the standard that Godfrey/Hurricane used when manufacturing their boats.  Makes sense, I think?!

    Anyway,  here are some links that may help to clear things up for you:
    -US Coast Guard Fall, 2018 Circular: see pg. 2
    -US Coast Guard Spring, 2019 Circular: see pg. 5 link to a USCG Consumer Pamphlet

    If you look up the actual recall notice on the USCG website, it states the following:  "REPAIR KIT INSTALLS 4 CU FT FLOTATION FOAM TO STBD AND 2.5 CU FT TO PORT STERN AREA"

    Bottom Line:  From what I can see, this floatation modification only NEEDS to be done if your boat was built on or after June 1, 2018.  Anything prior to that is strictly being done by Hurricane if you WANT it done.

    I am going to concentrate my efforts more now on how much my Yamaha F115XB OB weighs to determine if this invasive modification is worth it or not!!

    Good luck....

  • cobrafan
    cobrafan Member Posts: 9
    lapmah, Thanks for the update.  My local dealer gave up the hurricane line in 2017 so I have to go 75 miles to get it done and here in Texas, we are getting into the boating season.  I think I will try to wait if I get it done at all.   
  • sullmate
    sullmate Member Posts: 108 ✭✭
    you should get it done. It a warranty issue. also, it may affect your boats retail value , if not done. Call the dealer it should take no more than 3days. The dealer must order the repair kit first so don't go until the repair kit comes in to the dealer.
  • MaxK
    MaxK Member Posts: 3
    I picked up my 2016 SS188 last weekend from 400 miles away. Joined the owners forum today and came across this thread. Sure enough, I put in my Hull ID and it needs the fix! My local dealer said they quit selling SunDecks in 2013 and was not aware of this issue and suggested that I reach out to Hurricane. I just spoke to Ray Ellington and he will get the repair kit and instructions to my local dealer asap. He said the repair should only take a couple hours and couldn't have been more helpful.