Recommendations for mounting a Minn Kota saltwater troller to a 187 OB

Hmmm...checking with Hurricane engineering on this. They may have tried a couple of different options. Stay tuned...glad to have you here!
Good thread also on "Engine Discussions" you could check out...I think it's actually talking about your exact boat.
Hello Capt Steve, Thanks for checking this out for me. I found this thread as well. and some pics. Looks like some people may have put the quick release at an angle opposite the ladder and hangs over the lip a bit.
It has to hang over the lip so the shaft can lock into the vertical position when deployed.
@jhuntdesign. You beat me to it. I was going to post that thread as the second pic is of a 2010 SS188 (I know as its my boat and I did that installation)
Did your dealer indicate why the engine you chose wouldn't work?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
@nquirk thanks for the reply, they have told me that the RTA 17 mounting plate is just too small. It looks like you used a MKA 21 which is the same size as the RTA 17.They said that on Hurricanes you have to have a RTA 19 mounting plate which only leaves me with hand controlled motors. I really want to make the Riptide SP work, as it has all the options I want.Cjjjdeck's install of the MKA 32 looks really good to. Sounds like he used 5 of the 6 bolts. I am wondering if that mount will work with the Riptide SP since it allows PowerDrive mounts.
i have the exact riptide that you bought on my 217 sundeck and mounted it at an angle with the minnkota quick release and it works GREAT! I could take some pics tonight if you need. Dont think i could use all the bolts but it holds just finej2004 SD 217 i/o
@juntdesign. yes, I used the MKA21 and in fact, I turned it around a few times I believe to have it protrude out past the front of the boat to get the motor to offset.
I see no reason it won't work on the deck, offset like I did. In fact, I may have only been able to bolt 4 or 5 bolts as Cjjjdeck's install, but since they're are not screwed but bolted with locking washers and washers, in 3 years it hasn't budged an inch.
If you provide the information in the thread you posted and the info in the thead within that thread along with the pics, they should see how they can put that quick release and RipTide on your boat.
It will work. (and in fact, if I had've had access to the Riptide I would've put it on just for the white coloring) I only run in fresh water so I need the salt water coverage.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
@ssrider I would appreciate pictures greatly. Unfortunately, I think I might be dealing with a dealership that just doesn't want to do the work. I tried to direct them to this thread and show them pictures but they just said it can't be done. If I return the Riptide I have to pay restocking fees and will be out a few hundred dollars.
@nquirk, thanks for all the info. You guys have been a huge help. I just haven't had a great time with the dealer I ordered the boat from. I really want this motor to work out so I appreciate all the input.
Capt_Steve, ssrider's mount looks perfect and exactly what I want. Is the bow for the 217 shaped differently than the 187?
@ssrider, thanks for sending me all the pics. I'll post them here for others to reference.