Help with proper prop selection

@skibum ... that sounds like a really accommodating dealer!
@skibum. You'd have to work with your dealer to figure out the WOT for that engine. You may be able to stay with a 17 pitch but consider a 4 or 5 blade prop to give you better hole shot. I get much better performance with my 5 blade for that.
Also, realize that if you change the pitch to give you better hole shot, you'll trade off top end speed which makes me believe the 15x17 is in the right range. I'm getting 51-52MPH WOT @5800RPMs with a 200HP Mercury so I'd suspect you can change your pitch higher but don't know the top end RPMs that motor produces.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
Recommended wot range is 5800-6000 rpm for the engine. As a skier it has better pull out of the hole than some comp ski boats. Just looking to get some more top end and still be good out of the hole. May be a futile effort but I need to try. Also the currrent prop doesnt lift the boat real well. It planes easy but doesnt lift the bow with trim much. I think I am just used to driving a fast bass rig.
Check this site out.
It will allow you to select a Mercury prop to get an idea of what you can use to achieve your objective and will allow you to specify details of your engine and boat combination. It won't be exact but I can tell you I've used it and its been pretty close to bang on for what it reported versus what I've installed.
This will help determine materials, pitch, size and options. Let us know what it recommends and your decision.
Happy prop shopping.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
Thanka for the link. I will check it out
I talked to Hurricane today about what their thoughts are on trim tabs and he told me to look at changing my prop and gave me this link which is very helpfull SD 217 i/o
Using the merc prop guide, it basically rexommends leaving pitch alone but drop to a 14" to 14.5" diameter prop. I am going to try a 14.25×17 4 blade just for s!#/s and giggles. Will report back when I do it.
@skibum. Look forward to hearing back your results.
@ssrider. That's a great site for picking props. I've used it before. Also, compare it to the Mercury prop site as well. I prefer the Mercury site as it allows you to pick the style/hull of your boat, and if you have your current WOT/RPM/Speed, you'll get a better accuracy on pitch but both sites will get you in the right range.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
I put a 14.25 ×17 pitch 4 blade solas on today. Turning 5600 wot at 51 mph on gps. I am going to have this prop repitched down to 16 at the end of summer, that should put me right at 5800 rpm wide open. Thanks for all suggestions from everyone.
@skibum. glad to hear you're getting there....Now get out on the water and enjoy!------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010 Hurricane SS 188 OB
2010 Mercury Optimax 200HP / Mercury SS High Five 19P
2010 Trailmaster SC trailer -
Hello! Newby here. Just bought a 231 cc with a 200 yamaha 4 stroke, looking for prop guidance. It currently has a 15p and rpm’s are way high. Thinking of trying a 17 any input would be much appreciated.
skibum, you are on the right track. The standard test is run with a "light boat", meaning one or two persons, no extra gear, less than 1/2 tank of fuel on smooth water. Under those conditions you will see the highest rpm and top speed from any propellor. Be sure to test it like that before you change it again. You may find that last 400 rpm is already there, it won't happen if conditions are less than ideal. If you can get to 6000 rpm, stay with that prop so you won't over rev your engine. If not, drop an inch of pitch.